keith norfleet, Kazemi’s boyfriend
Keith Norfleet, Kazemi’s boyfriend for four years before they broke up five months ago,
Norfleet said McNair was in the car with her when the stop occurred, a fact that was not in the police affadavit but was confirmed by police Saturday night. McNair later bailed Kazemi out, according to bail bondsmen.
Norfleet said she told him she was seeing McNair, who she met while working as a waitress at Dave & Busters. He was worried about her dating a married man and hopeful they’d get back together. They had been living together for four years, since they moved from her family’s home in Jacksonville, Fla., to Nashville.
"She is the sweetest girl, and she did not deserve this," Norfleet said upon learning of her death. "He was making her believe they were going to be together, and everything would be perfect."

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