sahel kazemi & steve mcnair dead
Former American NFL football quarterback steve mcnair and 20-year-old woman Sahel Kazemi were found to death July 4, 2009 Saturday afternoon in a condominium in downtown Nashville, Tennessee. confirmed by Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron.
Steve Mcnair 36-year-old best known with Tennessee Titans, He was shot multiple times of one shot in the head, and a pistol was discovered near the Sahel Kazemi body. Don Aaron identified the woman Sahel Kazemi is"friend" of McNair's. She had a single gunshot wound to the head.
According to The Huffington Post, Don Aaron said McNair's wife Mechelle is "very distraught."
"At this juncture, we do not believe she is involved," he said. "Nothing has been ruled out, but as far as actively looking for a suspect tonight, the answer would be no."

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